
Welcome to my website! I'm Kathryn and I blog about  fusing Vintage and modern Fashion together to create a unique style. I am also passionate about slowing down the fast fashion industry  and hope to encourage others to do likewise through my posts showcasing  my personal style through the vintage and upcycled items that I have sourced.  I have now added a SHOP section to my website where you can purchase lots of sustainable goodies from clothing to china and everything in between! Through my upcycling  posts and crafted items I hope to encourage all of you to be mindful about what you throw away and to see that almost everything can be reused and made fresh and unique again through a little imagination.   I also blog about maintaining a healthy mental attitude through positivity and being mindful of how unique we are as individuals.



Life never stays the same for anyone..........Even those that are utterly bored with theirs. Its constantly changing however subtly or slowly depends of course on our reaction to it..... 

We have all heard the numerous cliche's ......A change is as good as a rest......Only you can change YOU!.......Change is scary .....Change is progressive.......We change anyway naturally  as a species...We are constantly evolving.  As we are living in this change moment by moment on a universal level the change is hardly noticeable to us. There is one exception , the Technical Revolution that we as humans are living through on a daily basis . This is the one area in our world that seems to be roaring like a lion and running like a cheetah. There is no holding it back , no taming the Lion and no catching up with the cheetah......... This technical world of fast change is super scary and thinking about the various plans that  technical gurus have planned for our planet in the future is beyond comprehension to me so I'll let it rest for now...... 

The change I'd rather talk about in this blog post is the desire for  Change in our hearts that we all have locked inside of us. We are all capable of change and we all thrive on it. However, we are all generally petrified of it and no one more so than myself. Change is usually thrust upon us and we deal with it however we can. Some of us embrace it and grow with it and others regard it negatively and never truly get the benefit from it.

I've realised that it takes a certain skill to actively change in a positive way. I've also realised that change is almost always painful at some stage of the journey. I sometimes laugh when I go home to my fathers house for a few days and realise that some people's idea of change is switching to a different brand of tea bag!!!!!!!Ha Ha.......... Yes I'm talking about my Dad and yes he has lived his life mostly through the daily grind of  routine and the comfort of a safety net close by. He always chose the safe path and he never gambled with the promise of "What if........" .He had opportunities in his life that he never availed of and stayed the safe course instead......Is he a better more fulfilled man for it , does he ever wonder sometimes ........Well , I don't know maybe or maybe not........ 

For others like myself change is trust upon them and I now find myself on a journey of change that sometimes I embrace and other days I hate. The roles I played in life have gone or at least become more irrelevant. My role as a mother has become less significant as my children are on the cusp of adulthood and my married life has also come to an end. 

Everything has changed......changed utterly...........

Everything has changed......changed utterly...........

I'm starting to think differently and now realise (On a good day Ha Ha!) that life has lots of possibilities for me . I see men and women of all ages doing it for themselves and so I say ...Why can't I?  ........Then this voice inside my head bellows ......".You can" ...."You are your own saviour"....BUT ......".You are also your own demolition man"!!!!!!.......Knowing that the quality of change within my life is my own responsibility is the scariest feeling I've ever had and on a better day its the best feeling in the world.



I did some research on the topic of Change before I started writing this post and all I got was the cliched formulas that we all know so well. I don't find them helpful in any real way nor do I find the typical advice given to all of us from our friends/family on how to deal with life changing events. ........"You need to start getting out there"...... "You should join some groups"........

The truth is I don't really need to be a part of another person or people to find happiness again . I realise that my happiness is my own responsibility and that comes from within myself and until I conquer my own fears and realise my own ambitions then true happiness will temporarily elude me.  However , its all easily said and of course we all need people in our lives . We are by nature very sociable beings and only really thrive in communities. So I will make that effort and start to broaden my horizons as soon as I can.......Hopefully!.....Ha Ha!

I am making progress and I am making new friends both in the cyber world ( all of you fellow bloggers take a bow....Thank You all) and in real life. My old life and some friends are part of my past now and ( as the saying goes......) ......"If you don't hear from me you are one of those changes.......!!!!!!!!!"

Keep Smiling!  xxx

Keep Smiling!  xxx

A funny thing...........I had originally intended to write a post on Change........That is,  the changing seasons and how it affects our style choices......Er!!!!........Its gone a little differently........  Have any of you experienced complete change in your lives and how have you coped with it?.......Would love to know in the comments........

In the meantime here's a final thought...........

She stood in the storm,  and when the wind did not blow her way........She adjusted  her sails........................                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      XXX VIOLINKIT

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