
Welcome to my website! I'm Kathryn and I blog about  fusing Vintage and modern Fashion together to create a unique style. I am also passionate about slowing down the fast fashion industry  and hope to encourage others to do likewise through my posts showcasing  my personal style through the vintage and upcycled items that I have sourced.  I have now added a SHOP section to my website where you can purchase lots of sustainable goodies from clothing to china and everything in between! Through my upcycling  posts and crafted items I hope to encourage all of you to be mindful about what you throw away and to see that almost everything can be reused and made fresh and unique again through a little imagination.   I also blog about maintaining a healthy mental attitude through positivity and being mindful of how unique we are as individuals.

Decisions Decisons.........

Decisions Decisons.........

How many times have you dragged yourself through your bedroom only to collide with the mirror and anguishly stare at your weary expression and hear yourself miserably wail........."I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!....................   Yes, its an all too familiar tale ........... Never fear  there is "Help" for your particular "Ailment"....Ha Ha! .

Round 1...The purchased outfit.....Bliss Horray!

Round 1...The purchased outfit.....Bliss Horray!

Much as most of us would like to deny it, this is a very common scenario and one that over time eventually affects all of us one way or another. The interesting thing about this particular problem is that it doesn't really seem to matter whether our wardrobes are stuffed to the gills or sparse as a misers pantry... 

Round 2......A more detailed approach!

Round 2......A more detailed approach!

The problem of course has actually nothing what- so- ever to do with the clothing in our wardrobes and everything  to do with the cluttered state of our minds/brains. It really is irrelevant if we go out and purchase the most up to date items to keep us on trend for AW17, they eventually get sucked back into the "I have nothing to wear" crevice's of our minds and melt into the deep vast blackness of our wardrobes. Its a never ending circular cycle... How do I know this...... Its been a part of my life for the past decade and is slowly threatening to overwhelm me if I don't take the reigns and take control of it NOW...........

Round 4....Ready to fight my way back...

Round 4....Ready to fight my way back...

I am a daydreamer. I always have been and I love to create scenarios in my head that sometimes  become a reality (but only on the rare occasion come to fruition). This in itself is a fairly harmless occupation but pair it with buying items of clothing that would be suitable for my imagined occasion and ...well......Heuston we have a problem!!!!!!.............

Round 5........will I ever get there......

Round 5........will I ever get there......

My mental state of mind, when it fluctuates from reality to the fairytale , particularly when in the midst of a department high street chain store or vintage store can spell disaster both to the aftermath of my wardrobe and to the overall health of my wallet. I have a weakness for buying beautiful items (by beautiful I mean beautifully created beading etc) like dresses made of silk with embroidered stitching and long vintage maxi dresses that are probably too impractical for a country like Ireland that gets little or no Summer Seasons.

The problem with me is that I usually get these items for very little money as I love to thrift and forage and I pass by some "little gems" of vintage and charity shops everyday . I walk through the door and with lightening speed scour the shop and then my eye settles on something that may be lurking behind a dreary bunch of clothing . It glints and smirks at me and we both know I'm not going home alone....... Another love affair has begun!

Round 6.....Heuston we have a problem!

Round 6.....Heuston we have a problem!

We both go home together this glitzy little number and I. I conjure up several reasons and places that I will wear my darling in the coming days and weeks .....and yes at that moment in time it is quite feasible that I can and will wear this delectable piece. We both get through the front door and I drop my honey on the floor as I call to my daughter in the kitchen. I barely hear the faint crackling of the bag as it lands airily on the bare floorboards and then.....Silence.....

Two weeks later I'm looking for my second shoe under the sideboard and grumbling to myself that my kids never clean up after themselves...As I lower my body downwards and reach behind my hall chair I feel my second shoe and pull it out with something caught in its heel ................An anonymous thin white crumpled bag is caught between the velcro strap and the heel. I stare at it with a bemused expression.... I have no memory or attachment.... I peek inside in wonderment...............AAAAGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My precious....My darling.....How could I???..........Forgive Me................

Round 7.......Turn around !

Round 7.......Turn around !

There it was....  This delectable vintage silk Kimono with hand stitched embroidered flowers around the hem and sleeves. It weighs nothing , like thistledown yet I couldn't even bring it to its rightful destination. I barely remember buying it let alone which charity/vintage shop it was purchased in.

I quickly detach it from the crumpled bag and shake it through . I run upstairs to my bedroom and find a hanger then I hold my breath.... The fight has begun....

Round 8.....Battling myself!

Round 8.....Battling myself!

Space.....This beautiful piece even with its light and airy fabric has a serious issue to contend with if its to make it into my "coloured kaleidoscope of chaos". That is, the problem of having not even the teenieist centimetre of movement in the mounting chaos behind those solid doors. 

After a fight that goes into the second round (the first side of wardrobe would not back down) we finally score and I can see it momentarily again before the darkness surrounds it once more. Who knows if it will ever come out to party.....

round 9..............Please no more rounds!

round 9..............Please no more rounds!

Not too much more to be said ...My solution..... Well I could say all the things that have been said to me over the years.  I could give all the tips and tricks for having a more streamlined wardrobe.  I could give a self satisfied account of how I was once a mess but now I'm found, cured ....its a miracle!!!!! 

Thing is I won't ..... I don't..... and I can't. Why........... Cause we're all different ,we all have our struggles and we all have our particular lifestyles that we can control at a moments notice if we have the courage to try. I know how to improve my life , my wardrobe and if I need any technical help with the functionality of it there are thousands of blog posts out there telling me how to fix it up. I need to want to do it first and I need to be emotionally ready for it. 

round 10.....i'm still here!

round 10.....i'm still here!

The other aspects of my life need to change first... I need to get out and smell the air more , I need to walk my dog more, I need to spend more quality time with my kids and I need to be kinder to myself.  I need to stop being afraid and start truly living and loving  and being of the world. When I do .....well......... 

OOTD Details....The Black Biker jacket was €5 in a charity shop, the vintage check (70's does the 50's) dress was €10 in Oxfam . The red gloves are vintage and the shoe boots (Buffolo) but bought "new" from Vincents charity shop.  Fishnet tights from Claires Accessories. 

 I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject of cluttered wardrobes and  even more cluttered minds. Talk soon XXX VIOLINKIT

Lull...Before The Storm!

Lull...Before The Storm!

Great Expectations!

Great Expectations!